I have not written a blog in about a year. Not really sure where to begin. I know my last blog on another site, I was in a relationship and happy. Well I am still happy but no longer in a relationship. Things don't quite end up how you expect and for that I am glad. A few months ago you would still see me sitting here with that little glimmer of hope in my eyes. I had a lot of faith that God had sent me this guy. Well I am sure God sent him to me, but not exactly the way I expected. God HAS to have a sense of humor. He really seems to use me as a test dummy sometimes with men. I meet ones I brag on and do anything for and then they just prove time and time again they are just using me for one thing or the other. I am good for everything...ask them all. I can't say I am not good for anything...if that was the case, I would never get the chance to make all these men happy and so confident. Maybe that's my purpose with men. To make them all confident in themselves so they can go on that true quest to find the ONE. Anyway...Maybe one day I will find that man that has the same purpose and we can make each other very happy and have lots of babies!!!
On another note, I am absolutely the luckiest Mommy ever! Brianna has grown and developed into a very cute and very smart toddler. She makes my heart melt. My mom passed away May 27th and since then, I have had days where I didn't think I was going to make it without her. God sent this baby to me to help me through all this. To be to Brianna what my Mama was to me. It has been really hard and almost like a nightmare. I never thought I would lose my mom this early in life. It has been a changing and morphing experience for me. My mom said when I found out I was pregnant God has a purpose for this baby and you will know one day. I now see and now I know why Brianna was given to me. I cherish every second.
I have a new job (been there since June). I am the assistant to the owner of a salon in Greenville called Hair Benders. I work with the absolute most wonderful women on the face of the planet. They are really a moral support and a support for my spiritual life as well. I do miss working at Perry and really regret quitting there sometimes. I miss some of the people, the benefits, and of course the pay. I had it made there. I had thought about going back but I really think I need a mental break from there and get "right" in my life before I go back in those fences and face those inmates again.
Other than all the drama, trying to find a new church, losing my mom, losing my companion, and losing my job, my life has turned out to be quite swell!!! I am enjoying life now with my bestest friends...BTW. Jenna and I are bestest friends again and I am so so so so happy! I love her!!!!